Terms and conditions
The website www.ilgusto.gr includes the online store of the company ilgusto (Tax Identification Number 148609237 and GEMI 43237306000). The headquarters of the company is located at 16 Polytechniou, Stavroupoli (Amelokipi Tax Office), Thessaloniki, 56431. This online store provides the opportunity for both our customers and all internet users to be informed immediately about the products offered by our store, as well as and make their purchases online.The use of the website ilgusto.gr by the visitor / user presupposes his unconditional agreement with the following terms of use, which apply to all content contained in its website. Therefore, the visitor / user must carefully read these terms before using the services of the website and if he does not agree, he must not use the services and their content. The visitor / user is kindly requested to check the content of the terms of use for possible changes. The continued use of louizidis.gr, even after any changes means the unconditional acceptance of these terms by the visitor / user.
2. Intellectual property
The ilgusto.gr website and its content (including texts, graphics, images, photographs, designs, products and software) are the intellectual property of ilgusto or third parties contracted to ilgusto and are protected by Greek, EU and international commercial laws. trademarks and industrial and intellectual property as well as the presentation of the above on the website ilgusto.gr in no case should be considered as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use. Reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content of the louizidis.gr website in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of ilgusto or any other copyright holder including copyright. 3. User responsibilityThe users of the ilgusto.gr website accept that they will not use the website to send, publish, send by e-mail or transmit in any other way any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, defamatory or violates the privacy of another, shows empathy, or expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination, may cause harm to minors in any way, is not entitled to be transmitted in accordance with law or contractual or managerial relations, infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or third party property rights, contains software viruses or any other code, files or programs, designed to interrupt, cause damage, destroy or interfere with the operation of any software or computer hardware, intentionally or unintentionally infringing applicable Greek and Community law legislation and its provisions s, may harass third parties in any way and any content used to collect or store users’ personal data.
4. Modification of Terms and Conditions
Ilgusto reserves the right to unilaterally modify or renew the present terms and conditions of transactions, made through the ilgusto.gr website without prior notice, informing visitors by posting the new terms and conditions on this website.
5. Limitation of liability
Ilgusto is not liable for any claims of a legal or civil and / or criminal nature nor for any damage (positive, special or negative which is indicative and not restrictive, divisive and / or cumulative loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc. .) by visitors of the website or third parties due to a reason related to the operation or not and / or the use of the website and / or inability to provide services and / or information available from it and / or from any unauthorized interventions third parties in products and / or services and / or information available through the ilgusto.gr website, ilgusto provides “exactly as they are” through the ilgusto.gr website content, products and services.Ilgusto does not provide any guarantee for the availability of the products contained in the ilgusto.gr website but undertakes to inform the customers as soon as possible about the unavailability in case they are interested in buying a product which is not available.Ilgusto is not liable to customers for damages that may arise from the execution or non-execution of their order. It is also reserved regarding the delivery time of the products in cases of force majeure. Ilgusto points out to users / customers, that the images, photos, and / or designs available through the ilgusto.gr website and concern / present products and services, are not a faithful display of colors, designs and dimensions and may differ from real product.Ilgusto reserves the right to change, adds, remove in any way the content of the ilgusto.gr website without notice.
6. Security
Ilgusto recognizes the importance of the issue of the security of your Personal Data as well as your electronic transactions and takes all the necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, in order to ensure your maximum possible security. All information, which is related to your personal data and your transactions, is secure and confidential. The security of the ilgusto e-shop is achieved by the following methods:Customer IdentificationThe passwords used for your identification are two: the Password (e-mail or username) and the Personal Secret Security Code (password), which every time you enter them provide you with absolute security access to your personal information.Allows you to change your Personal Security Password as often as you wish. The only one who has access to your data is you through the above codes and you are solely responsible for maintaining its confidentiality and concealment from third parties. In case of loss or leakage you must notify us immediately, otherwise the ilgusto online store is not responsible for the use of the secret code by an unauthorized person. For security reasons, we recommend that you change your password at regular intervals and avoid using the same and easily traceable codes (eg date of birth).Controlled Access (firewall)Access to ilgusto systems (servers) is controlled by a firewall, which allows the use of specific services by customers / users while prohibiting access to systems and databases with confidential data and information of the company.Confidentiality of TransactionsConfidentiality is taken for granted. The same basic principles that govern traditional transactions apply in the case of e-commerce. All information transmitted by the user to ilgusto is confidential and ilgusto has taken all necessary measures to use them only to the extent deemed necessary in the context of the services provided. Some of the measures that have been taken are the following:Only authorized employees have access to your transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. to process your applications.Ilgusto does not disclose the details of customers and their transactions, unless it has a written authorization from you or this is required by a court decision or decision of another public authority.In the event that ilgusto uses third parties to support its systems, it takes care to ensure confidentiality. You can request any information kept about you as well as their correction in case you can document the existence of an error.For your own safety, you should also treat all information provided through the service as confidential and confidential and do not disclose it to third parties.You will receive Newsletters only if you wish and declare it during your registration as a member of the ilgusto.gr website or your direct subscription to the ilgusto Newsletter.In any case, the ilgusto online store in no way discloses or publishes your personal data and information that you trust us. The personal data that you make available to us by registering as a member are used exclusively for the execution of your transactions. All information is encrypted and stored in complete security.
7. Protection of Personal Data
During your visit to the ilgusto.gr website and in order to order products, but also to ensure the possibility of contacting you, so that we can inform you about our new products, you may be asked to state information that concerns you (name, profession , email address, date of birth, etc.). Any personal data that you declare anywhere on the pages and services of the ilgusto.gr website, are intended exclusively to ensure the operation of the respective service and may not be used by any third party, without complying with the provisions of Law 2472/97 on the protection against processing of personal data, as it stands at all times. The ilgusto.gr website operates in accordance with the applicable Greek and Community legislation and safely keeps your personal data for as long as you are registered in a service of ilgusto.gr, which are deleted after the termination of the transaction in any way. The personal data that you declare on the website ilgusto.gr are used exclusively by it or companies cooperating with it, in order to support, promote and execute the transaction relationship.For more information see our Privacy Policy page.